I just use my other incognito account a lot more than this one since having my post history nuked. Send me a PM or comment on this post if you know me well enough and want to know what it is. I'm much quicker to respond there and if you want me to post in your thread or reply to your BBS post from this account, you can PM me on my main literally whenever you want to give me a kick up the ass to login and do so promptly if you think it'll be funny or something. I know quite a few people tag @Satan on the BBS for comedic effect and I usually don't see it for weeks or even months on end as I practically never login to this account. ;_; Sorry if it seems like I've been ignoring you guys, I genuinely just haven't been seeing the messages as I never login to this account anymore.
get out satan, this newgrounds don't belong to you get out you re tied